Gaia Project header image (4 player family euro game)

by Dan Kazmaier & Connie Kazmaier


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In Chai, you will step into the shoes of a tea merchant, combining tea flavours to make a perfect blend. Specializing in either rooibos, green, oolong, black or white tea, you will buy and collect ingredients to fulfill your customers’ orders.

Each turn you can choose to either visit the tea market, the pantry or to reserve a customer and use an ability.

The game ends when 5 rounds have been completed.
Add your money and points from completed customer orders to determine the best tea merchant!


Chai is now available on Steam, Appstore and Playstore!


• 1 to 5 players
• Play in single-player with challenging computer opponents, against your friends in local multiplayer, or face players from all over the world in online mode!
• Use the Chat Lobby to arrange games
• Learn the rules with our Interactive tutorial.
• Take your time in asynchronous game mode with push notifications and never miss a turn.
• Analyze your best games or learn tricks from the best with playback
• 3 different computer opponents
• uses the newest rules of the board game
• Family friendly – non violent theme
• Customize your friendly online games
• save game option and live gaming as well 



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