User Agreement
(last updated 01.07.2024)

A. Introduction
Welcome to the DIGIDICED`s User Agreement. We are publishing digital board games since 2015 and since then we had a lot of fun and looking forward to do so in the future. We do our best to make our users happy. Still, there is also a part that needs to be acknowledged and agreed to by our users. Please read the following user agreement thoroughly.

I. User and Agreement Provider

The User, an adult natural person (“User”) as regards use by User services provided by DIGIDICED UG (e.g. games, support).
In case of natural persons under 18 (territory of the Federal Republic of Germany) or minor natural persons (in the meaning of regulations binding on a territory other than the Federal Republic of Germany) consent of statutory agent is required (e.g. parent, legal guardian). Consents to this legally binding document with:

Digidiced UG (limited)
Pettenkoferstraße 3
10247 Berlin
Register entry:  HRB 171312 B

If you have any questions please use our contact form or send us your questions via mail.

II. License-Entitlement

1. Service for purchased Games
Upon fulfillment of the conditions specified in given Service (e.g. delivery of a game/Companion/Tool, registration) DIGIDICED grants for the benefit of User license (or respectively entitlement) to use of such Service in compliance with its functionality and use of DIGIDICEDs intellectual property being integral part of such Service provided that:

(1) license (entitlement) type is non-exclusive without to grant further sub-licenses,

(2) license (entitlement) covers solely use of given Service for private purposes of given User and

(3) license (entitlement) does not result in any additional entitlements for the benefit of given User (e.g. User who acquired a game may
download, install and use such game and may not resale a ripped APK of our games).

Given Service (e.g. game) may establish additional entitlements or determine additional requirements of use of such Service (e.g. age, access to the Internet, system requirements, equipment requirements) and in that case such additional entitlements or requirements shall be indicated in specification of given Service or other document made available in connection with the use of given Service.
Unless otherwise indicated in binding regulations of law or content of User Agreement, User is not allowed to exercise the following activities:

(1) use Services in other purpose than private, in particular for commercial purposes (e.g. lending, lease, commercial publication),

(2) use of Services in a manner being violation of rights of DIGIDICED, third parties or other Users,

(3) use of the Service contrary to its designation or specification,

(4) interfere of Service or network systems connected to Service (e.g. source code, malware, breaking rules of competition),

(5) use of service contrary to binding legal regulations and generally accepted social or cultural norms.

DIGIDICED declares that:

(1) is entitled to grant license (entitlement) for the benefit of User on terms specified in this User Agreement (and indicated in specification of given Service or other document made available in connection with the use of given Service) and (2) undertakes activities in order to ensure the highest quality of Services made available to User. DIGIDICED is allowed to implement all actualizations of Service or its elements (e.g. patch).
(3) That the User has no claim on service (Support/Online Gaming, etc…) continuity for any purchased games and tools if the according licence of the game has expired or any other reason existst that DIGIDICED has no further right to operate the licenced games.


2. Intellectual Property Rights
DIGIDICED is solely entitled to all Services and all intellectual property rights connected to or incorporated in such Services, including copyright and industrial property rights (or DIGIDICED obtained appropriate legal titles upon separate agreements with third parties). This means especially UI and Game graphics used in our digital game board adaptions, just as text, sound and visual elements as well as characters/avatars and stories. The User is allowed to use mentioned intellectual property solely in the scope specified in this User Agreement and indicated in specification of given Service or other document made available in connection with the use of given Service.

3. Content of Users
Users are allowed to use visuals (e.g. game elements) in order to share Game Results and screenshots from the games. If they do not infringe rights of DIGIDICED and other third party rights. Creating Fan art or banners for personal usage based on such Visuals (e.g. fanart/Avatars, etc.) Is allowed in case when such rights were granted in specification of given Service or other document made available in connection with the use of given Service or such activity is based on binding regulations of law. Also during support inquiries.

In case the User wants to share User Content in connection with our games with DIGIDICED and other Users this is only allowed provided that:(1) in speciation of given Service or other document made available in connection with the use of given Service creation or use of User Content may not be allowed,
(2) User Content violates binding regulations, the rights of third parties or generally accepted social norms,
(3) User is not granted with proper consents or entitlements of third parties necessary for creation or use of such User Content (e.g. use of graphic work of third parties).

User Content shall be used solely for private or other non-commercial purposes (e.g. entertainment, sharing experiences with other Users). Prohibition of commercial use of User Content covers in particular obtaining any profits by User or third parties and making User
Content available as part of the products or services of third parties. Digidiced shall consider all requests and questions as regards the use of User Content in the scope exceeding allowed activities specified in this User Agreement (or indicated in speciation of given Service or other document made available in connection with the use of given Service creation or use of User Content).
As of publication or making User Content publicly available by User, User grants to DIGIDICED non-revocable, free-of-charge and non-exclusive license to use User Content on all fields of exploitations known on the date on which such license is granted on territory of the world (without time or territory limitations) and as regards derivative works based or using User Content (e.g. publication by DIGIDICED on its fanpage).

4. Final Information

This User Agreement is binding solely between User and DIGIDICED. In respective scope also shall be applied: (i) speciation of given Service or other document made available in connection with the use of given Service creation or use of User Content, (ii) Cookies Files and Use of Websites Policy, (iii) Privacy Policy. As regards Users from territory of the Federal Republic of Germany this Agreement shall be subjected to german law.

DIGIDICED is entitled to terminate this User Agreement in each case when User violates its terms, as well as undertake other
legal activities specified in binding regulations as regards such violation. DIGIDICED publishes actual version of this User Agreement (with indication of the publication date) under the following website address: It may occure that from time to time
content of this User Agreement is being changed e.g. as a result of legal of amendment of regulations or provided Services.

We assume no liability for damages as a result of improper use of our services (e.g. do not play while driving or walk around during scanning of cards…)