Gaia Project Helge Ostertag & Jens Drögemüller

Gaia Project – Support Community Compass


Last Update – 24.08.2023



The PC, iOS and android version is available and it is on version 38. 


For now there is no extension in sight. See our Discord Channel for details about new content.

Status-Server Migration

Gaia Project our pilot project for the new server is fully operating on all available platforms. 

Status-Mainmenu Update

Gaia Project mainmenu 2.0

Status-PC UI 

Gaia Project is the first game of DIGIDICED to operate a PC UI of itself and will not have a Mobile Port UI. 

Release Notes History

Fix 17.06.2024

  • Fixed AI freezes


    Build 40, Release 24.08.2023

  • added official Android 13 support
  • added avatar decorations everywhere
  • added fixed seed setting used for game setup
  • added manual steam achievements synchronization
    (by clicking on the achievement in the in-game profile)
  • fixed issues causing AI to freeze and stuck games
  • fixed confirming power income order
  • fixed confirming terran resource bonus
  • fixed Planet Killer AI (again)
  • fixed stats against AI not registering
  • fixed actions being executed in the wrong game
    (when quickly switching between games)

Patch 27 (19.06.2023)

  • fixed “The Hitchhikers Guide To Terraforming”, “Squid Pro Quo” and “The Droid Awakens” scenarios incorrectly counting as failures on 1 star difficulty
  • fixed AI getting stuck in “Planet Killer” scenario
  • fixed “Avatar Collector” and “Unstoppable” achievement not unlocking
  • improved text scaling in menu

Patch 26 (31.05.2023)

• Added new Feature: Scenarios
• Added new profile customization options (frame, badge, corners)
• Added new achievements
• Added rewards for beating scenarios 

Patch 25 (18.10.2022)

  • Integrations for Viticulture/Tuscany & Patchwork stats-info integration
  • Patch for save game loading glitches
  • Fixed: AI glitches
  • Fixed: Factions flaws (alternative payment issues)
  • Fixed: Lantids mine icon shrinks to nearly invisible size (mines on other players planets)

Patch 25 (07.10.2022)

  • Integrations for Viticulture/Tuscany & Patchwork stats-info integration
  • Patch for save game loading glitches
  • Fixed: AI glitches
  • Fixed: Factions flaws (alternative payment issues)
  • Fixed: Lantids mine icon shrinks to nearly invisible size

Patch 24 (01.03.2022)

  • fixed game getting stuck when running in background
  • fixed auto confirm in tutorial
  • fixed friend request button showing up in player search
  • fixed FAQs for other platforms showing up


Patch 23 (31.01.2022)

  • added new in game menu with button descriptions
  • added main menu help panel with button descriptions
  • added tutorial in friend list
  • added highlights for friend requests and pending replies
  • added accept and reject buttons to friend requests
  • fixed power gain having wrong icon in history


Patch 22 (02.12.2021)

– Round 6 RAM usage optimized
– Tutorial corrections
– Updated Render Pipeline for older devices (iOS)

Patch 20-21

– fixed AI bidding stuck issue
– fixed timed out player not taken over by AI
– localization edits

Patch 17-19

– added chat lobbys
– fixed online faction bidding
– fixed camera movement when writing notes
– fixed scrolled down faction info on faction selection
– fixed crash with random factions combined with sector rotation

Patch 16

– Enabled planning mode for everyone
– Several performance improvements
– Added notes for local and online games
– Added remaining time in scoring screen
Added gaiaformer to payments
Added more time buffer around animations to prevent cutoff
Added new HD button for switching off main menu animations
Fixed federation forming issues
– Fixed in game chat
– Fixed faction info screen in main menu
– Turned HD button into performance mode button
(enabled: faster panel opening time – disabled: better frame rate)

Patch  15

– fixed stuck AI in online games
– fixed alternative payment with gaia formers
– fixed taklons losing too many VP on passive power gain
– fixed multiple federation issues
– improved general performance on all devices
– improved in game loading time of history panel

Patch 14
– Unity Version Update

Patch 13
– added retro structures to all UI elements
– improved faction and planetary institute ability graphics
– improved loading times
– fixed Nevlas power to credits exchange
– fixed Nevlas alternative payments
– fixed online bidding
– fixed AI bidding
– fixed Ivits satellite count

Patch 12
– added player-based action log
– added AI stats on profile
– added available green federations counter
– added message for losing excess resources
– added grouped warnings so no warning gets lost
– added link to faction info panel from faction board
– added turn order in history– improved overall performance
– improved game loading times
– improved AI overall
– improved AI in last round– fixed federation forming logic
– fixed Taklons, Baltaks and Nevlas alternative payments
– fixed gaia project alternative payments
– fixed game stuck when going to next game
– fixed undo while faction bidding
– fixed timeout in fast ranked games while watching animations
– fixed chat notifications in main menu
– fixed structure overlay offset on map
– fixed 3D lost planet flickering
– fixed history tutorial pointer positions

Patch 11
– alternative payment with Taklons/Nevlas/Hadsch Hallas got fixed
– enhancement History Board UI
– additional history log entries (power burn/resource income through special actions)
– tooltips faster display and costs of colinizing are correct now, including special actions and upgrade costs included.
– other minor UI fixes

Patch 10
– added a gaia planet and hidden planet indicator
– added an indicator for federations on map
– enhancement for player order indicator
– corrected Next Game Button position
– minor fixes on end game panel
– optimized loading time of running games.
– added warnings for not so clever moves 😉
– Minor Main menu fixes
– Logic fixes for federation display
– enhanced info display in 2 and 3 player games.

Patch 9
– We have fixed AI and User moves not updateing in the game. (this was sometimes misinterpreted as AI stuck or server issue).
– Undo Problem with passive power gain and special converting abilities from factions in the 1 Phase.
Added Center message who is on in addition to call to action. Also rotate sectors is indicated with center message in addition to call to action. Other minor UI corrections.
– Feature added – Friendly games support adding AIs (the AI is the one that also replaces time out player). You have three options… choose faction, random faction and player choice.

– Feature added – local games now allows the new matchmaker options.

Patch 7/8
– Retro Map Feature Request (shows board game stuctures on the map only)
– viewing problem with russian / korean /chinese / japanese fixed.
– Colors changed on map for more contrast
– Research general small overview added
– Server adaptation
– AI adjustments based on feedback
– ( The AI thinks for 30 sec to determine its auction bids, but it’s once for all the AI. Other actions should take ~5 sec. )

Patch 6
– fixed kicking yourself on other players timeout (Server)
– fixed round booster income stacking up
– fixed Itars tech tile count selection missing counter after reload
– fixed sector rotation dropdown still showing after ending turn
– fixed empty history QIC action entries
– added more specific call to action messages for opponent turns
– added info text in empty running games tabs
– Easy AI faction variety
– Fix for Taklons taking power before token on passive charge losing wrong VP
– Fix covered tech tile removing incomes from multiple standard techs
– Fix Geoden PI ability doesn’t trigger when building mine on gaiaformer
– Fix passive power sometimes delayed when shouldn’t be
– Firaks now trigger passive power on downgrade
– Fix bug requiring too expensive federations

Patch 5
– surrender not showing for other players fixed
– faction board info during faction selection fixed
– action indicator for research actions not showing fixed
– achievements of other players not showing fixed
– friends of other players not showing fixed (Server)
– alternative payments with power tokens not showing fixed (Logic)
– rare federation problem fixed (Logic)
– adding / removing friends video tutorial added
– small player info shortcuts and clickable names added
– achievement progress shown with profile ornaments added
– russian loca fixed (needs to restart the client since it updates the online loca file)

Patch 4
– fixed: confirmed turn using alternative payment choice will not allow proceeding to the next player for some factions.
– fixed: a matchmaking bug that would force the players to exit and reenter the game during the factions choice face phase on certain combinatoins of factions.

Patch 3
– fixed: ranked games are being ended if a user was timed out and substituted with an AI player.
– fixed korean language showing squares in the localization.
– enhanced AI computing time

Patch 2
– fixed: Itars, right after chosing income order for power token, the game is stuck waiting for other player instead of burning power token from gaia zone to gain a tach tile.
– fixed AI stuck on leaving game during an AI turn / AI stuck on Special rule Itars

Patch 1
– fixed a queueing issue that would not reduce the desired games counter if the user was matched already. This caused a confusion that users would think they were kicked from the ranked game queue on shutting down the client.
– fixed nearby building VP for Power gain… will not show -1 VP on counter

Beta PC active  19.05.2021
• Our beta-testers are in the final week. The Steam version of the game is near to hit the STEAM Store.

Closed Beta active  26.02.2021
• We will add testers in certain intervals. Right now the focus is on the Steam version of the game.

Beta in preparation 27.01.2021
currently we are working on the closed beta version for public testing

Next Update Includes:


Bughunting Status / Feature Requests

 Game seeds to play a specific setup again.

Please send your ideas, suggestions and questions to us – we love to hear from you: